BAD is returning in 2025:

Thursday 11 - Saturday 13 September

28 JULY AT 6:00 PM


Tickets $10


Pour yourself a glass of your favourite drink, sit back and be entertained by Pamela Hart as she talks to Sue Turnbull about her latest delightful crime novel An A-List for Death once again featuring Poppy McGowan from her first crime caper Digging up Dirt. Relax and enjoy yourselves!

Go to our bookseller partner Booktopia to get a copy of An A-List for Death, as well as well as Digging up Dirt.

In Pamela’s first crime book, Digging up Dirt Poppy McGowan found a body under
the floorboards of the house she was renovating and that’s only at the beginning of
the story! In An A-List for Death she gets mixed up with a rock star, an elderly
ex glamour girl who her aunt’s best friend, and a murder for which her boyfriend is
accused. Fun and games for all and a happy ending.


Pamela Hart is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books. She writes the Poppy McGowan mystery series as well as historical novels.  The Charleston Scandal is her most recent historical story, set in 1920s London. As Pamela Freeman, she is well-known as a beloved children’s author and fantasy writer. Her most recent children’s book is a non-fiction picture book, Dry to Dry: The Seasons of Kakadu. Her adult fantasy series, The Castings Trilogy, ended with the award-winning Ember and Ash.

Digging up the Dirt was her first crime novel and the second An A-List for Murder follows the misadventures of Poppy McGowan.


Sue Turnbull, the queen of Australian crime reviewers, has been writing about crime fiction for The Sydney Morning Herald and the Age for over twenty years. She is a crime fiction judge for the Ned Kelly Awards, the Davitt Awards and is an Ambassador for Sisters in Crime Australia. Her academic publications include The TV Crime Drama (Edinburgh University Press 2014) and Media Audiences (Palgrave Macmillan 2020). She is the Chair of the Board of BAD Sydney Crime Writers Festival and Senior Professor of Communication and Media at the University of Wollongong.

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